Saturday, November 27, 2010

So Thankful for Baby Powers

This has probably been the best Thanksgiving of our lives. The day before we got to see and hear the heartbeat of Baby Powers. It truly was very special moment for us. Its so amazing to see a new life growing inside of your womb. Baby Powers mommy and daddy love you already.

The most fun part about telling people that you are expecting is seeing their reactions. We have some very special family member.  So we knew that the responses would be all different. But overall they were all positive.

Adam's mom responded by saying you guys are not ready yet and I not even 55 yet and I am going to be a grandma. She feel into the front door. We thought she was going to walk out of the house. I think for her this is probably a tough pill to swallow because Adam is truly her baby. But she just has to remember that her and Adam's father did a awesome job raising him. He is now someones husband and soon to be a father. He is a baby no more.... Sorry Mama Powers... :)

My Mom....... This has to be a very crazy time for her. My sister is 6 months pregnant as well. So we knew this may be too much for her to bear. So we went out to dinner with her and my sister. While she was in the bathroom we put a personalized card at her spot. Adam and I watched her out of the corner of our eyes as we was ordering our drinks. She looked at the card twice before she processed what was going on. She is overly excited that she is going to be a grandmother twice in the coming months.Poor her because she has a tough journey ahead of her. But the good thing is the the two cousins will grow up together four months apart. 

Everyone else is so excited that they are going to be aunts and uncles and etc.

Here are some pictures of the the sonogram pictures. They are not the best but they will do for now.

Introducing Baby Powers.....EDD July 7, 2011.

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