Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Journey has begun......

As of today, we are one 4 weeks and one day pregnant. Flashback to Tuesday, November 2. I decided to go to CVS to pick up a pregnancy test. This should of been day four of my period but it was now where in sight. I knew I had to be pregnant because I am like clock work. When I got home Adam was on the couch sleep, I did my usual "Hi, Honey" and a kiss on the forehead. I went to the bathroom to take the first test. I waited 5 minutes instead of the quoted three minutes. When I went to check the test, I was shocked to see two distinct pink lines. I yelled to Adam to come here and I showed him and his reaction was whats going on. I explained to him. I took the second test and the same results. I told him and he was still half sleep and just said OK. The next day he called me at work and asked did I take a pregnancy tests last night and I said yes. He said so we are pregnant. I told him yea, he was so thrilled. I had already call Kaiser to make a Doctor's appointment. I was devastated to give up my love of tea!! I did not realize that Tea had caffeine in it. I learned that my estimated due date is July 7, 2011. The nurse seems to think that it will be a July 4th baby. We will see. First sonogram is November 24, the day before Turkey Day!!! And we can't wait.

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