Monday, October 10, 2011

Getting Ready to Return to Work!!!! So sad......

Well my maternity leave is coming to an end. I will be back to work on Monday.... Oh how I wish I could be a Stay at Home Mom... I love being with my little lady. But I know its good for her to be around other little children for her development. I will be just fine. Back to the money to support my habit for all things Layla. I have been taking pictures galore of her. Her are some shots I have of her in the past week.

She loves those hands!
 The cousins went for a walk.
 This picture sums up their relationship. Nephew wants to play with Layla and she wants nothing to do with him.

 I love this picture.

 Her very first pair of Jordans. Thats all Daddy.
 Unbreakable bond of a Daddy and his daughter.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Layla Photobomb!!!

Miss Layla is really growing up quickly!!! She is not that sleepy little baby that we brought home some 11 weeks ago.....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Layla is 2 Months!

Little Miss Layla is two months old. She is now 13 pounds 13 ozs and 25 inches long. She is really growing. She can't fit her 0-3 months clothes and even 3-6 months clothes are now a little snug. At her two month appointment she received 4 shots!!! She was a trooper too. She screamed a little after each one. She cried a little as we were dressing her. She got in her car seat and went to sleep for 3 hours. Once she got up she was super cranky. That night was a Tylenol night. The next day she slept all day.

Layla has been a little traveling bug.... Labor Day weekend we to Atlanta to see her Aunts and all of her cousins. Layla is so fortunate that she has two cousins in Atlanta that are her age. Her older cousin TJ who was born in April and Jahnae that was born in August. Layla is right in the middle in July. We really had a great time with the family. Hopefully we will be back to see them soon.

This past weekend we went down to Raleigh, North Carolina. We went to visit some of Adam's old college friends. Layla went to her very first birthday party. As usual she was passed all around. She is such a good baby she doesn't cry unless she hungry or sleepy.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Earthquake Rocks the East Coast!

The other day the East Coast had a 5.8 magnitude earthquake. This was the first Earthquake we ever felt in our life including Miss Layla. The Washington, DC was in total panic mode. At first we did not know we had a earthquake.  At the time we was driving to Adam's job. I thought the road was just bumpy and Adam did a sudden maneuver. I did not say anything because he hates when I talk about his driving. Later on he told me that he was like what was going on at that time too. The steering wheel was shaking.

This weekend we are braising for the approaching Hurricane Irene.... Hopefully by the time it reaches us it will have died down tremendously. But they say it will be pretty bad. The state of Maryland has all ready declared a state of emergency.

This weekend was suppose to the dedication of the Martin Luther King memorial on the National Mall. But the impending Hurricane Irene has put a halt to that. I guess we don't have any weekend plans now.

Here are some pictures of Layla this week!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy One Month Layla!!!!

Little Miss Layla is one month.. time is really moving along. I can not believe a whole month has passed since I had. Since like we were just on our way to the hospital for an induction.

Layla appetite has greatly increased in the last month as well. I have been exclusively breastfeeding her. I have started pumping bottles for her when we are out in public. She has been drinking 5 ounce bottles like it is nothing. That is a nice amount for a month old baby. I have to remember that when she was born she was a whole 9 pounds. Her personality is showing more and more everyday. She has a little attitude and she is a feisty little girl. It looks like we have our work cut out for us. When she is mad at us she does the cutest thing, poking out her bottom lip. Every time she does it makes want to do what ever possible to make her happy.

I  am feeling great. My recovery has been great. I have been able to wear all of my  pre pregancy clothes! Here are some recent pictures of Miss Layla.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Layla Skye Powers

After being pregnant for 41 weeks, Miss Layla Skye finally made her entrance the world on July 14, 2011 at 4:02 pm at a whooping 9 pounds and 3.6 ounces! Words can not be began to explain the joy we felt when we first saw her. Layla gave us a scare when she was born. During her journey into this lovely world she swallowed menoconium (bowel movement). As a result she was quickly whisked away when she was born. Adam unfortunately was not able to cut the umbilical cord. Those first few minutes of her life was very scary. As a mom I felt so helpless since I could not be at her side. But daddy was right there with his baby girl. NICU team gave her the all clear and she has been in Daddy's arms ever since.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Week Overdue....Induction on Thursday

Last, Thursday, July 7th was our due date. Well we are still pregnant. Little Ms. Layla has decided that she will not be coming out her own. We are schedule for an induction this Thursday. I will be exactly 41 weeks. So the little misses will be making her debut in the world by force. I hope the rest of my children do not decided to over due like her. So hopefully we will be holding our beautiful little girl by Friday.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Maternity Shoot

Adam and I had a Maternity Shoot on April 9th with Ryann Colleen Photography. We took them at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, MD. The pictures came out awesome!!! Little Ms. Layla cooperated well she did not have my stomach lopsided at all. I was afraid she would do her normal hanging out on my right side. But she kept a even balance and behaved well. I got no kicks during the entire shoot. This leads me to believe that she loves taking pictures just as much as her mom. We all know her Daddy hates pictures but does it for me. Little Ms. Layla will be here in another 9 weeks!

Here is a collage of our favorite pictures from the shoot.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Miss Layla Skye Powers!!!

Miss Layla will make her way into the world July 7th. Adam and I are extremely excited to be having a little girl. Seeing the confirmation on the ultrasound machine that she was a girl was awesome. Though it did take awhile to find out her gender. For 45 minutes she was one stubborn little girl and kept her legs crossed. It wasn't until I went to the bathroom did she show who she was. She seriously had a attitude with us too. She flipped over and put her little butt in the air. Then she quickly opened her legs to flash us that she was a girl. Then she started kicking and swinging her arms like leave me alone now. Since Ms. Layla, didn't want to be bothered we have to go back for another ultrasound to see her face. She totally did not want to show her face. I think she is more and more like her dad. Just like him if he doesn't want to do something he is not going to do it. I love my two babies Adam and Layla!

Here is a picture of her gender confirmation... ( I know when she gets older she will kill me for this!)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I am really Pregnant today!

This morning was a very emotional morning for me.  The one thing that I dread the most has finally come, I  can no longer wear my wedding ring! I was so devastated this morning. My finger is just too swollen. I tried everything possible to get it on and nothing worked. So I had a 15 minute emotional breakdown. But as always my wonderful Husband always finds the right words to lift my spirits! I Love him so much!

Guess What? Tomorrow is the big day! We finally get to give a name to "Baby Powers" !

Friday, February 11, 2011

Will we be buying pink booties or blue booties?

We have 4 more days until we find out if we are having a girl or boy? The anticipation is killing Adam and I. Adam and I think it is a boy! But I am not so sure some days since Adam had that dream about a little girl. But we will love "Baby Powers" no matter if they are a boy or girl....

Friday, February 4, 2011

We are 4 Months!!!

Well technically we are 18 weeks and 1 day. Baby is doing well, nice strong heart beat and my belly is measuring right on target...... Papa Powers is starting to feel some of my pregnancy symptoms. His appetite has increased tremendously!!! Sometimes I have to ask who is the pregnant person! lol Of course I am joking but I think it makes him a little self conscious..... I am really enjoying being pregnant! Lets see how I feel at 8 months!!! Only 12 more days until we find out if Baby Powers is William Lloyd or Layla Skye!
Here are a few 4 months pictures.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I am officially 4 months pregnant. We have about 3 more weeks until we find out we having!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 is here!!!

It has been awhile since I last posted...... Christmas was great!! My Honey got me a new Coach bag and he got a new PS3. We also brought a new car!!! We very much needed a new car to get ready for "Baby Powers". New Year's was pretty calm and uneventful for us. We have about 7 more months to go..... At my last prenatal visit I got to see the baby through a ultrasound. This child is truly its father's child. It was kicking and swinging its arms like crazy.. The first thing that came to mind was you are just like your father. Very active. It felt so good to see the baby moving. As time goes by it becomes more and more real for us.

Here are a few pictures from the last sonogram, January 3 at 13 weeks and 4 days: